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Реклама: ООО "АРМАТУРЕН" | ИНН 9727033862 | erid 2VtzqvarqTw

Editorial board of magazine

Y. A. Tabunschikov, chief editor of the journal "Ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, heat supply and building thermal physics", doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, member-correspondent. RAASN head of the Department "Engineering equipment of buildings" of fsbei HPE "Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)"

M. M. Brodach candidate. tech. Sciences, Professor of the Department "Engineering equipment of buildings" of fsbei HPE "Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)"

G. P. Vasiliev, doctor of technical Sciences, Deputy General Director on scientific work of JSC "Niimosstroy", technical Advisor of the UNDP/GEF 00074315 "energy Efficiency in buildings in Northwest Russia", Scientific Director of JSC "Insolar-invest"

V. G. Gagarin, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of RAASN, Head of the Department "heating and ventilation" of fsbei HPE "Moscow state construction University (MSSU)"

L. A. Gulabyan, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, head of laboratory research Institute of building physics Russian Academy of architecture and construction Sciences

A. N. Kolubkov, Director of the company Alexander Kolubkov

V. I. Livchak, PhD. tech. Sciences, state expert

Spirov D. V., candidate of technical Sciences, docent of the Department "Water supply", Moscow state construction University, Professor of the Department "Engineering equipment of buildings" Professor of "Engineering equipment of buildings" of fsbei HPE "Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)"

V. K. Savin, doctor of Sciences, Professor, corresponding member interviewer RAASN academician of the Academy of housing and communal services of the Russian Federation, head of the laboratory of thermal physics and climatology research Institute of building physics RAASN

Malyavina E. G., Candidate of technical Sciences, Professor, senior researcher, DEP. heating and ventilation, Moscow state University of civil engineering (MGSU)

A. N. Dmitriev, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences, Head of Department of economy and urban construction management fsbei HPE "REU them. G. V. Plekhanov"

N. I. Shepetkov , Professor, doctor of Sciences, Laureate of the State prize of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Architectural physics of FSEI HPE "the Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)"

Roife V. S., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Scientific-research Institute of building physics Russian Academy of architecture and construction Sciences

A. G. kochev, Professor, head of Department, Doctor of technical Sciences of Heat FGBOU VPO "Nizhny Novgorod state University of architecture and construction"

J. A. Sharipov, candidate. tech. Sciences, honored Builder of Russia, Director of the FSUE "santechproekt"

N. V. Shilkin, candidate of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Engineering equipment of buildings" Professor of "Engineering equipment of buildings" of fsbei HPE "Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)"

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