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Аэродинамика застройки и зданий

Aerodynamics of Development Areas and Buildings

Yu. A. Tabunschikov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
M. N. Efremov, Engineer, NP AVOK

Keywords: aerodynamics, wind pressure, aerodynamic coefficient, building flowover, building air conditions

Questions of development areas and building aerodynamics were always considered quite important, and on a number of occasions – determinative for building ventilation design and inside building airflow calculations, evaluation of the building’s impact on the aerodynamic conditions of the adjacent territories, selection of the building envelope with the required air permeability, location of supply and exhaust devices and their construction.

Also, significant pressure difference on windward and leeward building exterior surfaces can create strong air flows inside buildings, requiring special measures: airlocking of entrance doors, staircases, air-tightening of garbage chutes, etc. And there is a number of issues dealing with aerodynamics of development areas and buildings, including dissipation of hazardous substances, location of pedestrian walkways, formation of snow deposits, etc.


Ю. А. Табунщиков, профессор, доктор техн. наук, член-корр. РААСН
М. Н. Ефремов, инженер, НП «АВОК»

Вопросы аэродинамики застройки и зданий всегда считались достаточно важными, а в ряде случаев и определяющими для проектирования вентиляции зданий и расчета воздушных потоков внутри здания, оценки влияния здания на аэродинамический режим прилегающей территории, выбора ограждающих конструкций с необходимой воздухопроницаемостью, расположением приточных и вытяжных устройств и их исполнением.

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