Инженеры по отоплению, вентиляции, кондиционированию воздуха, теплоснабжению и строительной теплофизике
(495) 984-99-72 НП "АВОК"

(495) 107-91-50 ООО ИИП "АВОК-ПРЕСС"

АВОК ассоциированный
Реклама: Р-Климат | ИНН 7706739893 | ERID: 2VtzqvyKdmr


1. Russian Association of Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics (ABOK) is a nongovernment public organization which implements its activity independently and for the purpose of advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning for the benefit of the general public, positive effect on the environment and natural resources, to protect the interests of future generations.


2. The objectives of the Association are achieved by increasing the level of business information for specialists, the prospects of plan-developing, directions and the state of things in industry as a whole; by improving the professional qualities with the help of regular planned conferences, symposiums and meetings; by publishing specialized and periodical press booklets and essays; by membership in related international organizations; by holding exhibitions; by advertising the achievements; by influencing the state policy in the field by means of all sorts of approaches or initiatives, suggested to higher authorities, decisions or notes, describing the necessity and forms of activities; by effecting the development of promising and priority branches with the help of created talented groups, which can fulfill scientific research, building works and designing.


3. ABOK is Associate member of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) and a member of Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning Associations (REHVA).

Objectives and principles

1. The Association's motto is: “Microclimate, Ecology and Energy-Saving-for the people's benefit”.


The main objectives are:

  • To take part in creating new systems of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning; development of related sciences; strengthening of international ties in this sphere; exchange of information and building of mutual trust.
  • To finance and fulfill all kinds of research perspective works in the sphere of Association's activities.
  • To analyze the international achievements and market production, services, legislation acts, the ways of management; to consult organizations in this sphere of industry as to the market, advertisement, copyright, projects, setting up joint ventures and etc.
  • b> To organize conferences, congresses, competitions, exhibitions of high technology solutions, exchange of delegations; to promote joint projects, researches and plans; to render scientific or finance help to the members of the Association; and to conduct any other activity within the framework of the Association.
  • To develop advertising and publishing activity, including publication of the magazine, essays, documents of the Association, conferences, symposiums, proceedings, reports of Association members and colleagues, foreign information.

2. The Association unites its members on voluntary, business, professional principles and in the spirit of creativeness, mutual respect, cooperation and strong eagerness to help the Association.


3. The Association organizes its activity on the principles of openlessness and vast access to its activities of those, who are its main tasks, their equal rights, democratic forms of management, optimization of interests of members, initiatives, with respect to creativeness.


1. The Association is open for both Russian and foreign organizations and specialists, who are involved by their activity in the sphere of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, heat supply and building thermal physics or related fields.


2. The membership in the Association may be both collective and individual.


Collective juridical persons are: organizations, factories, amalgamations, scientific and educational departments, international organizations or associations, foreign firms, joint ventures and etc., and their representations in Russia.


Individual juridical persons are: Russian or foreign citizens who work actively in the sphere of Association.

3. The rights of collective members :

3.1. The participation in all ABOK activities and representation of delegates.

3.2. The right to lead in fulfilling of researches and priority right to participate in technical projects, which are financed by the Association.

3.3. The right to receive ABOK magazine free of charge.

3.4. The right to receive printed materials with a reduction of 50 percent.

3.5. The right to gain information about the ABOK's activity free of hand.

3.6. The right to receive the information once in two months about the latest government acts, decrees and directions connected with energy saving, the new standards and alterations of current standards in the field of industrial and civil engineering.

3.7. The right to conclude contracts with ABOK on conducting a study on possible sellers and representatives, manufacturers, suppliers, consumers and etc.

3.8. The right to use ABOK symbol in business documents.

3.9. The right to represent the ABOK at Russian and foreign congresses, conferences, meetings, symposiums, etc., on the Council's request.


4. The rights of individual members:

4.1. Individuals take part in the work of ABOK Committees.

4.2. The participation in all ABOK's activity.

4.3. The right to have priority in the work of temporary creative groups, financed by the Association.

4.4. The right to receive paid documents with a reduction of 50 per cent.

4.5. The right to ABOK information.

4.6. The individual ABOK members have the right to use the ABOK symbol in his/her work, which does not contradict the ABOC's activity and Bylaw.

4.7. The individual ABOK member has the right to represent the ABOK at international and domestic conferences, congresses, meetings by the recommendation of the scientific Committee, where he/she works.

4.8. The right to receive information about the exhibitions, conferences and other events, organized by ABOK, which the ABOK individual members can take part in.


5. For the collective members the amount of entrance fee is 700 Euro and annual fee 500 Euro.


6. For the individual members the amount of entrance fee is 70 Euro and annual fee 50 Euro.


ABOK management

1. The ABOK management bodies are :

  • The Congress is the highest body.
  • The executive bodies are :
    • The Council;
    • The President council;
    • The departments and functional committees;
    • The auditing committeeis the auditing body.

2. The executive bodies are formed on the basis of the ABOK's time-table, approved by the Council and agreed with the Founder.


3. The work on elective posts is organized in public, if the Council haven't decided in other way.


The congress of the association

1. The Congress of all members of the ABOK is the highest administrative body of the organization.


2. The Congress is called no less then once in two years.


3. The exact time and place of the Congress is determined by the Council no later then six months before its calling.


4. The Congress is considered to be rightful, if there are no less then 2/3 of elected delegates present. The total number, election procedure of delegates, as well as the possibility of their arrival and accommodation in the place of holding the Congress are formed by the ABOK Council.


5. Notice of Congress should be given in written form by the ABOK Secretariat at least 30 days before the date fixed for the Congress to each member-delegate. The notice at which a vote is to be taken upon an amendment of the Bylaws shall set forth the wording of the proposed amendment represented.


6. The Congress hears the annual report by the President and Vice-presidents, the report of the Auditing Committee, and approves the annual finance plan and objectives for the future. The Congress discusses other questions set up by the Council.


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